EPISODE 14- A New Song and a Salt Lake Baptism
December 12, 2010

There’s no question that God endowed me with a helluva musical ear. Therefore, nothing gives me more pleasure than to announce that in this episode I release my latest recording: Baptized like Joseph Smith.

It’s a ballad and a love song of sorts about my favorite topic: Sin. Yup, “I’ve been a sinner and the whole world knows,” as I artfully croon in this ditty. It’s the perfect song for this episode in which Nikolai and I head to the Great Salt Lake so I can conduct a baptism-- my own-- as well as use the healing powers of the Great Salt Lake to soothe my face which has been ravaged by the orange paint from my Orange Man Solo Group performance. NOTE TO SELF: Dutch Boy #B26 Orange does not come off without a bath in paint thinner.

Download the song for free here. Enjoy the episode. You’ve never before seen such a beautiful display of spirituality in a body of salt water.

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